Monday, June 20, 2011

Sweet Summertime!

Ahhhhhh summer is here! It has been another busy month in the Parr house! On May 24th, Andrew and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary with a nice dinner out on the weekend, then Andrew made me a fabulous swordfish dinner on the actual day! It is something he does for me every year and it is always a nice treat.

My dad, step-mom Cindy, and niece Kailey visited us here in Nebraska (or as Kailey would say "The Braska), for the first time! It was the first time Dad and Cindy had ever seen our house. We had a great time, we went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday then the guys went shooting while Cindy and I took Kailey to the children's museum. She had a blast running through the 3 story museum trying on different costumes and playing in all of the different exhibits. It was such a hands on museum, she was all over the place! We definately got a workout running after her. We went to church on Sunday and Dad made some awesome food, as usual! I've missed his cooking. It was too short of a trip, but we had a great time and I know they'll be back soon. November will be here before we know it and we'll all be on a cruise ship together headed to the Caribbean! Here are some photos from the trip:

On our way to the Farmer's Market

Kailey got to look at a fire truck

Holding hands with Uncle Andrew

Dad and Andrew about to go shooting

Firegirl Kailey at the Children's Museum

Each exhibit had an outfit to dress up in!

Showing Kailey the little grapes at the vineyard

Andrew and I at James Arthur Vineyard

Whole family :)
Hope you enjoyed the post, I'll be writing again soon!