Saturday, September 3, 2011

End of summer already?

WOW what an ending to summer it has been! After my latest project, I picked up crocheting again. I started teaching myself last year and just got too busy. So, when I had a little extra time I started looking online and found tutorials. Since then I have purchased patterns and now have just started my own small business making hats and headbands for babies and children as well as photography props! I am pretty nervous about this new venture, but I am also really excited! I never pictured myself owning my own business, but I'm trying to not let it intimidate me. My items are great for photography, baby gifts, and of course the cold winter months fast approaching (for y'all Texans, not soon enough I'm sure!). Check me out at

Speaking of cooling down, this first week of September is already starting to show us signs of fall!!! I love summer, but I am very ready for fall Fall is probably my favorite season, unlike the one that follows it! Starting tomorrow we'll be in the 70s for highs and 50s for lows...a drastic change from the 105 degree heat index we had two days ago!  I am sure we'll still have a few more warm days, but signs of cooler weather are here. Besides the cool weather, the other GREAT thing about fall is college football!!! Husker season officially kicks off today and I am psyched! The atmosphere in a college town makes college football that much better, I love it! Speaking of which, I need to get the house ready to have people over for the game, happy fall everyone!!