Monday, September 27, 2010

More changes...

   There have been more changes around the Parr house!  We have a knee wall in our basement that goes around most of the room. Andrew discovered over a year ago that the contractor did not insulate it. Considering it is right against our foundation, it would get super cold down there in the winter and we couldn't use our finished basement. Andrew has been going back and forth with our contractor for about a year and we FINALLY got it fixed! Plastic went down on the carpet and over the furniture and the contractor came and ripped out the existing lower part of the wall. They came and insulated the lower part of the wall, put up dry wall, but asked us to paint since they are busy.  They painted our whole house in a tan, flat paint. We love the color but needed a change down there, we also prefer a satin finish on the walls, it's much easier to clean. So we decided to paint the whole room different colors. This pillow was our color inspiration:
  We love fall and earthy colors,  but with a bit more brightness to them. We already had red as an accent in the room so we decided to pull the yellow and orange from the pillow.

  Here are some of the shots, from the ripped out wall with foam insulation that Andrew put in, to more insulation, to the dry wall put back up:

  It was a long and dusty process, but we are so happy to finally have it finished! We can't wait to use our beautiful basement this winter and not freeze down there! It's still a work in progress, at some point we'll move the furniture upstairs down to the basement, and get new furniture for the upstairs living room. But, all in time, for now we love that it's functional and bright.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


     While Andrew was planning his business trip to China, I was planning a surprise for him when he returned. We'd been talking for a long time about re-painting our bathroom and Andrew kept putting it off, dreading it! While we love that the contractor decided to paint our entire house a nice tan color instead of white, even that can get boring! We'd begun to decorate our bedroom in chocolate brown and green, so I wanted to bring that into the bathroom and make them flow together. So we decided on a pretty green for the walls with brown accents.
     So, I decided to ask Andrew's parents to help me pull off surprising him with a completely re-done bathroom. I could not have done it without them! It was a crazy project to finish in two days. We changed the fixtures (towel rack, toilet paper holder, etc.) as well as added two framed mirrors. There was a big unframed mirror glued to the wall over our vanity that my father-in-law and I had to break and then spackle over the imperfections. Whew!
     Here are the before and after photos. I was so happy with how everything turned out, and even happier that Andrew loved it and I could take a little stress away from him!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

I finally did it...

Hello all!

     Well, I finally broke down and decided to join the blogging world! I figured this would be a fun place to share what is going on with Andrew, Tonka, and I in a different way. This is the "Point" where I will post and share pictures along the way to keep all of our friends and family updated on what is going on in our lives here in Nebraska.

     Here it goes I has been an unbelievably busy summer for the both of us! In early May I was able to fly down to Texas and be there for the birth of my nephew Kal, Andrew and I also celebrated our second wedding anniversary May 24th of this year. In July, Andrew had the opportunity to go with the 211 Band and play at the LCMS National Youth Gathering, it was such a blessing and a great time! In August Andrew went to Beijing, China for a business trip and I went to Texas for a few days to visit family. It's been a fabulous summer and we're looking forward to a wonderful rest of the year. Below are some of our favorite moments this summer:
Kal's birth
Our 2nd Anniversary
Father's Day
The rockstar of the family!
Playing with Kailey in Galveston
Kal has grown so much
Andrew at The Great Wall of China
Tonka turned 2 in July
He's gotten so big
     Well, that is all for now! I hope y'all have enjoyed a view into our summer and we look forward to a wonderful and busy fall!
