Thursday, September 16, 2010


     While Andrew was planning his business trip to China, I was planning a surprise for him when he returned. We'd been talking for a long time about re-painting our bathroom and Andrew kept putting it off, dreading it! While we love that the contractor decided to paint our entire house a nice tan color instead of white, even that can get boring! We'd begun to decorate our bedroom in chocolate brown and green, so I wanted to bring that into the bathroom and make them flow together. So we decided on a pretty green for the walls with brown accents.
     So, I decided to ask Andrew's parents to help me pull off surprising him with a completely re-done bathroom. I could not have done it without them! It was a crazy project to finish in two days. We changed the fixtures (towel rack, toilet paper holder, etc.) as well as added two framed mirrors. There was a big unframed mirror glued to the wall over our vanity that my father-in-law and I had to break and then spackle over the imperfections. Whew!
     Here are the before and after photos. I was so happy with how everything turned out, and even happier that Andrew loved it and I could take a little stress away from him!



  1. wow I love your bathroom! good job, you have great taste :)

  2. Thank you! Even though it was a new house when we purchased it, we're constantly painting or making improvements. It's a lot of work, but fun. We're in the process of re-doing our basement, post and pictures coming soon!
