Saturday, October 23, 2010

Life As It Should Be

    Gosh, it feels like it's been forever since I've posted, we have been so busy!! The weekend of the 9th we celebrated my 23rd birthday with some friends, as well as participated in an awesome new middle school ministry.
    The ministry is called UnPaved. It's geared towards middle schoolers and once again, it was awesome! Andrew and the band played for the two day event and I volunteered to help with registration, concessions, and pretty much anything else! After that, we then traveled to Denver last weekend to do the same thing all over again. It was our first UnPaved event outside of Lincoln so we were pretty pumped. The devil must have known that we were at work for the Lord because he tried his best to ruin our event...from the generator going out (the band needs a lot of power the run and the church didn't have enough!), to videos not working when we showed them to the kids, to frustrated and tired workers, and large groups cancelling a day before the event; he was certainly on a destructive path. Luckily, he didn't succeed. The event was awesome and we really felt like God was at work in each one of those kids! We really look forward to seeing this ministry grow and being a part of it every step of the way.
    Here are a few pictures from my birthday and the two UnPaved events:

The group out for my birthday

One of my best friends, Annette

Practicing before the event in Denver

He's awesome

The theme for this year

Concession girls!

Speakers, band, and volunteers...what an awesome group of people!

Couldn't resist :)
    Hope you once again enjoyed the update! We can't believe that November is only a week away. October, like the rest of the year, has just flown by! On halloween Andrew and the band get to play at People's City Mission for a food drive they hold every year.We're pretty excited about it, but also excited that it'll be our last major event for the year as far as the band goes. After that we're looking forward to coming to Texas for Thanksgiving! Can't wait to see everyone! Have a wonderful week.
- Carrie

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Carrie. I'm so proud of you and happy you are following your spiritual leading! Happy (belated) birthday and happy fall! (It's 90 degrees here today) Love, Mom
    See you THANKSGIVING week!!!!
