Sunday, November 14, 2010

    WOW, has it really been over a month since I've posted last?  Andrew and I have been working like crazy lately. We've both been working a little later than usual and still keeping up with our other activities. I've also added another one to my list; I was asked to be on a planning committee for a women's event. We want to have a huge women's event at church in early February to get women connected and get them excited about getting involved in Bible studies. I'm really excited about it!
    For Halloween, Andrew and the 211Band played at the event center here in town for the final event that wrapped up the food drive the People's City Mission had.  It was a pretty good turn out, but I think next year they'll do it on a Saturday night instead of ON Halloween night when kids would rather be trick-or-treating.  It was still a lot of fun though and so much fun to see everyone dressed up.  The best part was that last year, the Mission collected 5,000 lbs. of food....this year they collected over 27,000 lbs.!! It was incredible to be a part of feeding so many people. Here are a few pictures from the night:
"John Lennon" and "Yoko Ono" in the 60's

Some of the guys

Brent and Dawn as "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Mad Hatter
Dawn MADE Brent's costume!!

Dawn and I
     Andrew and I have decided that once a month, or every couple months, we will go on a "special date".  We defined it as something a bit more out of the ordinary than just dinner or going to the mall or renting a movie at home, and something that maybe we've never done together before. This Friday night was our first one and it was so awesome!  It really was great to reconnect with each other after a few really busy weeks.  We purchased tickets to the Jeff Dunham show.  He is a comedian ventriloquist, and is absolutely hilarious.  We've seen him on tv a few times, but never live.  So Andrew made reservations at this Thai restaurant called The Blue Orchid, that neither of us had eaten at before.  It was really good, and the atmosphere was really nice and intimate.  The only downfall of the night was that it was pouring down rain, by the time we left dinner it was a mix of rain and snow...quite a mess!  We went to the show and laughed so much we cried, it was just as good as we thought it would be!  As I had predicted, when we left, it was still pouring....but it was all snow.  So yes, Friday night we got our first snow of the season.  Some stuck around through Saturday morning, but it'll all be gone soon...until next time!  Just a little 2" reminder that winter is quickly aproaching!  Here are some pictures from that night and of the snow:

    And finally, on Saturday Andrew and I got to got to the Nebraska football game against Kansas.  Andrew was asked by his boss to take one of there guys that works for them oversees who was in town for training.  He is originally from Italy, but moved to Germany to work for Li-Cor.  Gerardo had never been to an American football game, so was excited to go and had a great time.  I went with my friend Jenny, we tailgated before the game and then, even though it was quite cold, went to the game and had a wonderful time as well! We actually found out right before the game that Andrew and Gerardo were in the section right next to us and only one row in front, so it was fun to go over there at half time and meet Gerardo. Here are the pictures from the game:
Jenny and I at Brothers before the game

Bundled up at the game

We had GREAT seats!

Andrew and I at halftime

    Well, the next time I write will probably be after Thanksgiving.  Andrew is going to Iowa this weekend to play a show and I am staying behind to pack up and get things ready to drive down to Texas.  We can't wait to get there are look forward to seeing all our friends and family very soon!  Love y'all and have a great Thanksgiving!