Sunday, March 13, 2011

    February was a quick-ish month for us THANK GOODNESS! March is always such a refreshing month. It's beautiful here in the spring and it's exciting as we see so many people come out from hibernation and start enjoying the city again. It's something I never really noticed back in Texas, but up here the weather has a lot more cause for people staying inside. Even the birds have started to come out again.

    March filled up fast with church and family activities which is exciting. It helps the month go by quickly and brings us that much closer to consistently good weather. In fact, I really cannot believe that we are already approaching mid-March. With this last week of winter, we are finally seeing some true signs of spring! This last week I took a few pictures, there is not a lot of beauty yet, it is still early here and we are just getting out of our snow season. We actually got about 5-6 inches just a few weeks ago BUT in true spring fashion, it only lasted a couple of days! This week it is supposed to be in the 60s with one 70 degree day, ahhhhhhh! I have also been inspired to get rid of the winter and brighten up the house. I changed the floral arrangement in the front entry way and made a new spring wreath. I love arranging flowers for the house and making wreaths, it joins my craftiness and love for decorating our house as well. Here's a few pictures of spring and my latest creations:

Playing outside with my big boy

My arrangement


Spring wreath

     As I am talking about how fast time is going, this next week also marks Andrew's and my 4 year anniversary! Four years ago on March 17th, Andrew and I went on our first date, the next day we "officially" became a couple. Even now I look back at pictures of us then and we look so different, I cannot imagine what we will say 10 years from now, 20 years from now, etc.! I am amazed at how much we have grown and changed over these 4 years, we have come so far from long distance dating to getting married and making a home together! We continue to grow and learn new things about each other every year. In honor of our anniversary of togetherness :) I have a few of our first photos together:

Out first date in Nebraska

Andrew's visit to meet the family

Mini-golf date in NE

Andrew's friends Brock and Kirsten's wedding
         I hope you enjoyed my mini walk down memory lane and are enjoying the spring weather wherever you are! Love always,

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