Saturday, October 29, 2011

Autumn, The Year's Last Loveliest Smile

    Is that not a beautiful quote?! I love it so had to share it. It is certainly fall around here! Cool days follwed by very cold nights...I love the days, but the cold mornings and evenings are a sharp reminder of what is coming, you know, the "W" word. Bbbbuuuuuuuurrrrrr, I shiver just thinking about it! There are many things to love about this time of year, the crispness in the air, the beautiful leaves as the trees change, and the FOOD! Ahhh I just love me a good soup and sandwhich, and ya cannot beat a homemade apple pie! Andrew and I went the the apple orchards a couple weeks ago, I made two apple pies and we have already devoured one...I am trying my hardest to save the other one for the holidays!
    I cannot believe that October has come to an end! This year has flown by and I do not think it is going to slow down. We celebrated our 28th and 24th birthdays earlier this month, we spent the day with family taking family pictures, opening presents, and eating good food! We also went to Denver for another UnPaved event, the kids were great! We rounded out October by going to the apple orchards. It was a PERFECT fall day. Andrew and I sipped wine, picked apples (not at the same time, don't worry :) ), then drove to another winery and sipped some more :) We just had a perfect day together! As I am sure I post every month, Andrew is busy with school, BUT we are on the final countdown...4 months to go!!!! Then in May it'll be official, get ready for a party at the Parr's! Ok, sorry, had to say it. Well, here are some pictures of what we have been up to this month:
Doin' what he does best

Andrew and I in Denver

Opening his guitar pedal I got him :)

Gorgeous watch and bracelet Andrew got you can tell by
my face, this was the morning of my birthday!

Celebrating our birthdays with family, my first Northface fleece
from Steve and Karen

It's not fall without Husker football! Typical us lol

Wonderful friends

At the apple orchard!

A little wine

Such a perfect day!

Picking apples

Also had to pick the perfect pumpkin!

Family photo- Allison Koranda Photography

Allison Koranda Photography

Love this one- Allison Koranda Photography
    Well, it's been a great month and we are gearing up for an even busier one! We have something going on every weekend in November, all leading up to a nice relaxing family vacation at the end! If I do not post in November, have no fear, I will be back in early December with plenty to talk about and lots of fun vacation photos to share, of course. Love y'all!
- Carrie

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