Sunday, January 15, 2012

My first quilt

    I have been crocheting and sewing and scrapbooking a lot lately.  My latest project was a small blanket quilt.  It only took me two days, in part because it's a beginner quilt and the other, because I was so excited to see the end result!  At some point I may do a little tutorial on it, but for now I'll just share some pictures of the end result. I also didn't get a chance share some Christmas pictures in my last may have been overloaded with vacation pics :). So here's to a much shorter post than the last!

Shopping with Mom and Heather

"Kal, make a funny face!"

Lego time with Kailey and Uncle Andrew

Our gingerbread house

Christmas Eve

Our aprons that I made!

Kal and Uncle Andrew

Dr. Kailey getting "bugs" out of Andrew's ears

Spa day!

My first little quilt

Pretty proud!
    That's all for now!  I hope you have enjoyed catching up with us from the last few months.

Love, Carrie

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