Monday, September 27, 2010

More changes...

   There have been more changes around the Parr house!  We have a knee wall in our basement that goes around most of the room. Andrew discovered over a year ago that the contractor did not insulate it. Considering it is right against our foundation, it would get super cold down there in the winter and we couldn't use our finished basement. Andrew has been going back and forth with our contractor for about a year and we FINALLY got it fixed! Plastic went down on the carpet and over the furniture and the contractor came and ripped out the existing lower part of the wall. They came and insulated the lower part of the wall, put up dry wall, but asked us to paint since they are busy.  They painted our whole house in a tan, flat paint. We love the color but needed a change down there, we also prefer a satin finish on the walls, it's much easier to clean. So we decided to paint the whole room different colors. This pillow was our color inspiration:
  We love fall and earthy colors,  but with a bit more brightness to them. We already had red as an accent in the room so we decided to pull the yellow and orange from the pillow.

  Here are some of the shots, from the ripped out wall with foam insulation that Andrew put in, to more insulation, to the dry wall put back up:

  It was a long and dusty process, but we are so happy to finally have it finished! We can't wait to use our beautiful basement this winter and not freeze down there! It's still a work in progress, at some point we'll move the furniture upstairs down to the basement, and get new furniture for the upstairs living room. But, all in time, for now we love that it's functional and bright.

1 comment:

  1. It looks GREAT Carrie. I especially like that stylish Futon! :-)
    The "ledge" disappears and that decorative bottle looks like it's floating. It looks very warm and inviting now... Mom
