Monday, December 6, 2010

We're back!

    Well, as promised, I'm back after Thanksgiving!  We had such a great visit with everyone and as usual, it was really hard to leave.  Tonka did great in the car and only whined when he needed to go potty....we were relieved because sometimes he can get whiny in the car for no reason.  We celebrated Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family and then a few days later, celebrated Christmas with my mom since we won't be in Texas then.  Andrew went hunting with my step-dad, Terry, so I had a girls day with Mom, Heather, and Kailey (and Kal) going to lunch and baking Christmas cookies!  Heather has started her own business, Heather Echols Photography, so she took photos for us when we were down there for us to post in our home as well as use for Christmas cards.  She is so talented and I don't say that just because she's my sister!  If you're in need of a great photographer or know someone who is you can find her on facebook or her website is . Here are some or our favorite pictures from Heather and from the trip:
Tonka and his friend Whiskers, my mom's dog

My sweet sweet nephew, Kal

Such a happy boy
Andrew and I with our niece Kailey, and nephew Kal

Didn't mean for them to match but it sure makes for a cute picture!

Drawing with Kailey on her magnadoodle

Baking Christmas cookies
     Here are a couple pictures from the photoshoot with Heather in downtown Houston:

    I know there's a ton of pictures in this post, but I hope you've enjoyed them!!  Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving.

- Carrie

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love reading your blog. Terry will appreciate all the credit you gave him. Also, you made some well-deserved plugs for Heather's photography business. Looking forward to the next post! Merry Christmas to you both! Love and Kisses, Mom
