Monday, December 6, 2010

New addition to the Parr family...

    No no, not THAT kind of addition...yet ;)  We got home from Texas on Sunday and Monday headed back to work as normal.  The day ended up not being so normal, because on Andrew's way to work, his Blazer overheated.  It has needed tires for a while and has a small oil leak as well as a VERY embarrassing sounding catalitic converter, but we dealt with it because it was better than purchasing a new vehicle; however we've been saving for a while, just in case.  Thank goodness, because that day came the Monday after Thaksgiving.  Luckily I didn't have to go into work until noon that day so I was able to take him to work; we went that night to meet Andrew's parents so we could borrow their little truck until we found another vehicle.  We were so happy we didn't have to share a vehicle.  Andrew did a lot of research and we got some awesome help from my step-dad Terry who is a master mechanic.  This last Saturday, Andrew found a 2005 Toyota 4Runner 4X4.  We went to take a look at it and ended up taking it home with us!  We traded in the Blazer...Andrew was sad to see it go, he's had it since highschool, but it was nice to replace it with such a great vehicle!  Since I cart the dog around, grocery shop, etc. I will be driving the 4Runner and Andrew will take over my truck. I LOVE SUVs so I'm ok with the switch :)  It has tan leather interior that the future owners (lawyers) took amazing care of.  It also has a sun roof....or is it a moon roof?  Either way, I can't wait to try out this summer!
Here's a few pics of the new ride:

- Carrie

1 comment:

  1. Great looking car - I'm glad you found one you love. (By the way, you said "future" owners - you mean "former"?) LOL (sorry, it's my curse. I proofread everything.) Love you, Mom
