Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas and New Years

Christmas was a beautiful and BUSY time, which is probably why I haven't written in a month!
We went to Andrew's parent's house from Thursday through Sunday. We spent some time with family friends playing games and having dinner, as well as some nice family time. We had family Christmas on Christmas Eve and on Sunday, we celebrated with Andrew's grandma on his mom's side. I got Andrew a printer/scanner/copier. It sounds lame, but he has to usually complete his Masters work a day before so he can scan it in at work the morning that it's due; now he'll have a little more time to do it and scan it in at home! Andrew spoiled me this year, he got me a picture for the house, a Nebraska football jersey, AND an extra last minute surprise, he got me this beautiful dress I wanted for the cruise we are going on with my dad and family later this year. We were also very excited that his parents got us a Garmin! Andrew said I can keep it in my car so he won't have to get multiple phone calls when I need directions and/or am lost :) Here are a few pictures from Christmas:

My new jersey!

SO happy to have someone to tell me where to go!
His name is Daniel and he has a British accent :)

Waiting patiently for his gifts

The family

Andrew, Tonka, and me
 Once we recovered from Christmas, it was time for New Years. That weekend we really just did some organizing around the house, which was nice. New Years Eve we went down the street and rang in 2011 with some of Andrew's college friends. It was low key and we had a good was even better that they live about 5 houses up from us, so we didn't have to worry about any crazy drivers on the road. New Years day we just did more things around the house, and spent the day together. It was a relaxing way to end a year that was anything but that! I make a scrapbook for every year Andrew and I have been married. So I have been working on our third year together as we're leading up to our third wedding anniversary coming this May; as I go through all of the photos from this past year, I've realized this is going to be my biggest scrapbook yet! It has been an amazing year: I have gotten to see my family more this year, than any year since I've moved here, we welcomed a new nephew Kal and new cousin Parker into the family, Andrew went to China, and we had some amazing trips  and events with the 211 Band. I am eager to see what God has in store with us this year! Andrew has a cousin getting married in April, we will celebrate 3 years of marriage in May, a cruise in November, and Texas for Christmas...all of this planned and it's only January! I pray God will bless all of y'all as much as he has blessed us! Happy 2011 everyone and here's to an early spring in Nebraska (as you can see I'm trying to will it into existence with my blog background change)!!

- Carrie

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