Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Spring here yet?!

    As 2011 unfolds, it's proving to be another busy year. Even so, January has moved a bit slow, as it usually does! I have been swamped with school. I had decided to take an algebra class just to brush up on my skills (or lack thereof) before I take my two chemistry classes.  Many of you know that I loath math, and that's putting it lightly; so having to work on it a couple of hours every night of the week is unpleasant to say the least. I know I'll appreciate it later though! Andrew has a difficult class and professor this semester too, so needless to say we're a couple of nerds lately!
    In addition to homework, church activities have us running as well.  Andrew is playing in the band and they have quite a few trips planned for this year!  They got a lot of publicity when they played at the National Youth Gathering last summer, and now it is paying off.  A lot of groups around the country are contacting the 211 Band to play for their events.  They won't be able to do them all, but it is awesome to even have so many churches and groups ask!  God is really working through them!  I am also busy at addition to joining the sound team, I also am a part of a committee.  I am on a committee with a group of ladies to bring the women of our church together and introduce some new Bible studies to give women more choices.  We have an event coming up this Friday and after that I will be leading a Bible study with a very good friend of mine on a book called Rocking the Roles.  I am so so excited, it's my first time to lead a Bible study.  The book talks about the Biblical roles in marriage and challenges our culture's tendency lately to have a "roleless" marriage.  I love my husband and love learning how to constantly improve our marriage and our relationship with God; so I am just as excited to learn new things myself as I am to lead other women in learning about God's plan for their marriage.
    I am so ready for spring!  We have had a couple of beautiful days....well, beautiful for here, it was in the 40s!  It has melted much of our snow, however more is coming over the next couple of days.  I am excited for February only because behind it comes March and April!  While it is still chilly then, I'd give anything to have temperatures above the teens, twenties, and thirties!  It's been a fairly mild winter, but true to this time of year, we're all going a bit stir crazy!  I'm ready to get out of the house and do some things in the yard, play with Tonka without freezing, AND I really miss Andrew's and my walks that we frequently take around the Haymarket (neat historic type down town area) when the weather is nice... Well I suppose I have rambled enough and sorry, it's also my first post with no pictures!  Love you all so much!

- Carrie

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