Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring fever!

    Once again, it's been over a month since I've posted...sorry! I've had a few regular readers tell me they've been checking back to see if I've written so I figured it was time that I did. It's been so nice out, I've had spring fever and just haven't spent much time inside.
    As usual, Andrew and I are very busy! He is in yet another semester of class BUT we are on the official final countdown!! He will be done in less than a year and will officially graduate as of a year from last weekend. We are so excited and can't wait to celebrate his accomplishment...hopefully with a nice, long, well deserved vacation :)
    We had lots going on in April, I was able to go to Texas to be there for Kal's (our nephew) first birthday party, as well as one of Kailey's t-ball games. Kal has grown so much since we saw him in November and is crawling all over the place! He is such a sweet and happy baby boy. Kailey is as smart and precious as ever, one of the cutest things is how she loves to play hide and go seek...in the car! Lol She did great at her t-ball game but seemed to be WAY more interested in playing in the dirt than playing the game! She even bent down in the middle of running to second base to pick up some dirt! I have a couple photos from my trip below.
    We also got to host Easter at our house this year. I absolutely love entertaining so it was a lot of fun for me to decorate and the tables as well as make some yummy lemon raspberry filled cupcakes ("how-to" coming very soon!) It was a great day and we had a wonderful time with family.
    And finally, we have done a little more landscaping in our back yard. We found 3 arborvitae trees for a great price so we decided to purchase them and plant them in our back yard. We have a neighbor's deck that directly and awkwardly overlooks our back yard. These trees should grow up nicely and help give our yard a little privacy. I also got brave and decided to plant annuals in pots for the first time! I actually enjoyed it and think they turned out nicely. My mom insists she has a blackish green thumb, so we'll see whether mine is more black or green...Love ya mom ;)
    P.S. Don't think I've forgotten about my promise to show a "how to" on upholstering a head board...I just haven't gotten around to the project yet! The warmer it gets outside, the less we are inside! It is in the 90s today...a record for this time of year!! The Texas girl in me is loving it!
    Ok ok, without further ado, photos over the last month:

Austin, TX Trip:


Landscaping and Gardening:


He always does a great job!


My big pot in the backyard

Smaller pot for front steps

    Well, as I always say, hopefully it isn't another monh until I write again!! I hope y'all are all having a fabulous spring, love you all!!


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